
How to execute another program in C (using exec)

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <process.h> int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { char* arr[] = { "ping", "google.com", NULL }; char* env[] = { "TEST=environment variables", NULL }; // Without env and PATH variable _execv("C:\\Windows\\System32\\ping.exe", "C:\\Windows\\System32\\ping.exe", "google.com", NULL); _execl("C:\\Windows\\System32\\ping", arr); // Without env but with PATH variable _execvp("ping", "ping", "google.com", NULL); _execlp("ping", arr); // With env and PATH variable _execvpe("ping", "ping", "google.com", NULL, env); _execlpe("ping", arr, env); return 0; }
Course thumb

The C programming language made simple